The First Of The Second Half!


I’m a ‘one-kind’ kind of guy.


There are several reasons I’ve come to accept that – but for the purpose of this; let’s dwell on one.


I don’t believe in coincidences.


Today is the first day of the week. Incidentally, it’s also the first day of the first month of the second half of the year 2013. A lot of firsts, no?


Do you think that’s coincidence? Actually, it is a matter of opinion.


Do hear me out though.


I’m one of those people who make mistakes regularly. If I told you how many times I wore different pairs of socks out of the house – you would probably ‘like’ me a slap. But at every opportunity, I try to look at the entire thing objectively and see where exactly it is I missed it, correct when I can, accept when I can’t – and always learn something from the experience.


More often than not, what I called a mistake was just a way of doing; or at least seeing things differently. When I paint and I mislay a brush stroke, if I don’t say it was mislaid no one would know! But that’s not the point here.


By now, a lot of us would have started looking or would have already looked at the first half of the year, itemized achievements and achievements and so on; some would have gone as far as writing out these things, and then making out another list for the second half of the year. Some of us, would also just go on – after all, it’s just another day. Again, it’s also matter of opinion.


But I do know that most of us at had at least one thing, one goal, one dream we wanted to achieve this year; something we wanted to birth and bring to life, something we wanted to do differently, a growth we wanted to see by the end of the year – either in our personal lives or businesses.


How many of us actually did anything about that?


How many of us have done anything about that? How many of us are still doing anything about that?


How many of us have ‘stopped dreaming’?


Undoubtedly, life has its challenges and even the bible says delayed hope often results in frustration. But what I like to ask is; this thing I want, how bad do I want it?


We all have/had flights of fancy growing up, and as we grew life cleared away some of the ‘dreams’ we had – imagine Seun Odukoya having ambitions of flying the Black Lion in Voltron and marrying Princess Allura. But some of those ‘cobwebs’ refused to go away; and instead get more vivid daily.


Life is hard fun when we know how, and we are going to live anyways! So why not max out?! Why not go for broke?!


So guys…let’s carry each other the best way we can this second half. Let’s forget our fears and doubts and insecurities. Let’s all let go for once, scream out and do what one of the simplest yet most amazing ads ever says and


Photo courtesy Google/Nike
Photo courtesy Google/Nike



What do you think? Wanna share some of your thoughts/goals on the second quarter?


Have a fabulous week!


11 thoughts on “The First Of The Second Half!

  1. Now I have gotten a good boost for the remaining days in 2013, it’s time to tick off my achievements pre today and get working again. I CAN DO IT. Thanks much

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